Ages 45 to 60


Where you are in life now

At this stage of your life:

  • You’ve possibly been working hard at your career for many years. Maybe you have made partner or have that corner office.

  • You are starting to have discretionary income, looking at retirement, or have already done so.

  • You may have kids that are in high school and/or college or you may even have grandchildren that you love to chase and spoil.

Changes that you are starting to notice

  • You are spending time dealing with aches and pains

  • Taking the daily dose of medications prescribed by your doctor

  • Life has become more sedentary

  • Your metabolism continues to slow down

  • More eating out and less working out

  • Maybe 20-40 pounds overweight

  • Probably one or more of the following: bad knee, bad back, bad hip, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes or pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, or other ailments

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What Vegas Get Fit can do to help

  • Middle age can be the beginning of a long decline in the quality of life but it doesn't have to be that way.

  • We help you learn to make good decisions about how and what you eat and combine it with a solid exercise program. We can add many years of vitality and joy to your life

  • Our team of experienced and knowledgeable personal trainers and wellness professionals are trained to assess and prescribe a comprehensive exercise and nutrition program to help you turn back the clock and regain your energy and vitality.

Start your fitness journey with us!